HSE Series Hydromatic

As raw water strainers do their job, filter baskets become clogged with debris and flow to the connected device is reduced, resulting in the need for system shut-down for cleaning and maintenance. HYDROMATICTM strainers eliminate untimely shut-downs and maintenance by conducting a periodic self-cleaning cycle (the user selects the cleaning interval) with its powerful internal macerator. Debris is pumped overboard without shutting down the connected device.
HSE Series Strainer provides filtered water to 4", 5" or 6" devices, or may be used as a sea chest to provide filtered water to multiple smaller devices. Debris is pumped out through a 1" NPT port.
- A 30-second cleaning cycle is automatically performed at user-selected intervals.
- Optional interface with SSA system initiates cleaning cycle when flow is reduced, independent of the pre-set cleaning interval.
- The "Purge" option over-rides the selected cleaning interval and performs a one-time 30-second cleaning cycle.
- Powerful macerator grinds debris and discharges overboard below the waterline.
- "Ignition Protected" motors for DC models.970 models function as a sea chest to provide filtered water to multiple devices.
- Installation can be horizontal or vertical (flooded inlet required)
- C84400 bronze construction.
- Made in the USA
Product Name | Inlet | Outlet | Debris Discharge | A | B | C | Open Area Ratio |
HSE-4000 115VAC |
4" NPT | 4" NPT | 1" NPT | 31.7 | 13 | 13 | 10:01 |
HSEF-4000 115VAC |
4" FLANGE | 4" FLANGE | 1" NPT | 31.7 | 16.5 | 12.5 | 10:01 |
HSEF-5000 115VAC |
5" FLANGE | 5" FLANGE | 1" NPT | 31.7 | 16.5 | 12.5 | 8.1:1 |
HSEF-6000 115VAC |
6" FLANGE | 6" FLANGE | 1" NPT | 31.7 | 16.5 | 12.5 | 6.7:1 |